Another week has gone by and more and more elite runners have been allowed back on Twitter and Instagram. Here are some of our favourites from the last seven days.
Jake Wightman may have been showing off to someone in the gym with his jumping skills. What do you reckon about the timing?
She wasn’t too impressed…
Easy mistake to make
That bloke Ieuan Griffiths is a great marathoner we hear…
When your Nan calls to tell you that S4C is doing a feature on Ieuan Griffiths… @ThomasIeuan @dewigriff10k
— Tom Marshall (@TomMarshall1500) January 30, 2018
Health and safety hazard
Lily Partridge had a great start to 2018 on the roads, settting a course-record at the Seville half marathon. That finish line though…hopefully Lily escapes in time for the London Marathon.
Keeping training simple
Irish marathoner Paul Pollock has been trying something new in training this week. 10 miles on Sunday, 20 miles on Monday, 30 miles on Tuesday, 40 miles…today?
10miles on Sunday, 20 on Monday, 30 on Tuesday. Hope it's time to break the pattern @AndrewJamesHobd?! #Milesandmiles #Gonefurtherthanmycar #Gladofmy @SealyUK bed
— Paul Pollock (@ppmarathon) January 31, 2018
Chapter: Minimalist to Be a Maximalist
“The key to being a minimalist is making a routine out of just about everything that is not core to your mission. When decisions are automatic, you skip the conscious deliberation and associated brain activity.”
When someone tries explaining a chapter from “Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success” to you#ad #sponsored #sponsoredtweet #running
(Cc: @stevemagness)pic.twitter.com/p73cqh9due— DumbFloTrack (@DumbFlotrack) January 31, 2018
Sub 4 anyone?
Sir Roger Bannister may have been first but now 500 Americans have dipped under the four minutes mark – funny how the first and 500th clocked the exact (almost) time.
In a showdown, you’d like to give Don Bowden the benefit of the doubt as he was probably running in hobnail boots after a full day’s work.
Interesting fact: the times of the U.S.'s first sub-4:00 miler and the U.S.'s 500th sub-4:00 miler are nearly identical.
Don Bowden ran 3:58.7 in 1957.
Emmanuel Bor ran 3:58.77 in 2018.
— Jonathan Gault (@jgault13) January 28, 2018
That’s Sir…Nick Willis
At 34 years old New Zealand athlete is being treated with respect by the youth of America. How do you think Sir Mo Farah feels Nick?
Don’t give up the day job
Not too sure if mountain runner Kilian Jornet has mastered the skills of farming yet…
When you come back homr after a good training with sweaty hands 😅 pic.twitter.com/0y78QhwkqW
— kilian jornet (@kilianj) January 26, 2018
“Sorry, I’ve forgotten my barcode”
parkrun Ireland CEO Nick Pearson made a rookie error and forgot his barcode for the Saturday morning run, which led to this public shaming on Twitter. Never again eh Nick? Maybe we’ll see you next in our top 10 fastest parkrunners?
This is Nick our @parkrun CEO👑 …
Last week Nick forgot his barcode 🙁
Nick did not get a result 😢 …no barcode no result
But this week Nick will remember his barcode …and Nick will be happy😀#BeLikeNick and don't forget your barcode#DFYB#loveparkrun https://t.co/64TvyJz0HI— parkrun Ireland (@parkrunIE) January 26, 2018