For the first month we’ll introduce each of the Fast10 with a simple profile.
To start things off here’s Paul Navesey, the chap who got it all in the wrong direction and went from ultra marathon champ to international marathoner.
He may have featured on the website before, but we’re excited to follow the year of a marathoner and road running athlete who’s going from strength to strength with the AB Training group on the south coast.
Name: Paul Navesey
Age (Jan 2020): 33
Hometown: Burgess Hill
Club: Crawley AC
Main discipline: Marathon Running
Other disciplines: Road Jogging
Full-time athlete/work/studying: Full time worker… part time jogger
Goals or targets for 2020
– To run a club record for Half Marathon
– Try to be a little faster running around The Mall in Armagh
– To run a marathon PB at London
Past Running highlights
– Representing England at Frankfurt Marathon, running my PB of 2:17.16
– Winning Brighton Half Marathon in a surprise PB of 64:56
– Breaking 30min for the first time
– 2nd Place at Brighton Marathon
– Running 14:07 for 5k in the worlds fastest queue at Armagh
Interesting or fun facts
My love of racing was once fuelled by racing my housemate around town after work on our “Easy” runs… that housemate was FastRunning’s Robbie Britton [Obviously no nepotism show in Fast10 selection – Ed.]. We once had a short lived career as TV… well online video… chefs. Hit us up for a sweet potato brownie recipe.
I had an England race suit for go-karting before getting an England vest for marathon jogging!
I can make a very good curry .
I run because…
I looked silly playing chess in split shorts and a singlet… plus I am no good at chess.
But really it is because I love racing & the simplicity of distance running. Watches & shoes aside, there is a simple pleasure in a bunch of people running as hard as they can to be the first person to an inflatable arch (Disclaimer : Finish lines may vary)

Running with Danish children’s clothing model Ben Savill. Photo: Provided by Paul Navesey
Favourite training session
Long or progressive tempo runs. Run plenty of KMs, fast enough for Strava kudos & can still feel human afterwards!
Least favourite training session
Oddly enough for a marathon runner it would be the long run! Morning runs, tempos, long reps are all great…
Favourite pre-race food
Pizza the night before. Porridge & PB or PB & Banana on toast in the morning
Favourite post-race food
Favourite runner or runners
I wouldn’t say I have favorites but I admire various athletes for a variety of reasons.
Within AB Training group we have athletes such as Kevin Rojas & Howard Bristow who have set standards that we all still strive to reach.
Guys like James Turner & Kevin Moore who always display such a great attitude toward training & racing. Then we have Ben Savill who always knows to dress just a little bit below myself to ensure I look my very best. Hugely appreciated.
Not leaving out the females! Firstly Rhiannon, my girlfriend, who not only puts up with my weird running habit but joins in & lets me keep up on long runs! My sister Emma, who between worrying about running can get out & put in plenty of work herself resulting in a marathon debut only a couple minutes outside of my own first attempt!
Last but not least, once a runner & now a coach, Allison Benton. Easily as committed as a coach as any of us are to being runners. Always managing to transform our ambitious goals into excellent group sessions & ultimately results!
Brands or organisations that support me
I am coached by Allison Benton & supported by Saysky, a fantastic, fun Danish brand producing high quality and distinctive run kit! The irony of distinctive camouflage is not lost…
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